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Utilisation Setup

How to configure Streamtime and wayahead for optimal utilisation reports, including breakdown between billable and non billable todos

Miel De Rycke avatar
Written by Miel De Rycke
Updated over a week ago

In this article:

Quick Start Tip:

In Streamtime:

  • In Streamtime, create separate jobs for internal hours, leave and newbiz. You can have multiple jobs for each category, as long as you don't mix different types inside the same job: one job should not include both internal hours AND holidays.

  • Label your intern job(s) as "Internal"

  • Label your holiday job(s) as "Leave"

  • Label your new business jobs as "Newbiz"

In the wayahead reporting preferences

  • set "Job labels for non billable jobs" to "Internal"

  • set "Job labels for sales jobs" to "Newbiz"

  • set "Job labels for non working hours" to "Leave"

Distinguishing different types of time entries

wayahead enriches the Streamtime time records to differentiate between 4 categories

  • Billable time: this includes all customer related work, including client meetings

  • Sales time: this includes all new business efforts and depending on your preference, account management time.

  • Internal time: this is non billable time, including internal meetings

  • Non working hours: This is time your team is not in the office, such as annual leave, public holidays or sickness.

To make wayahead distinguish between these types, you must set some definitions in the Setup > Reporting Preferences.


Basically, wayahead considers ALL time entries as billable hours unless they match with one of the definitions below. There is no need to apply any labels or do any configuration for this, it's just the default outcome.

Leave hours are always distinguished by job labels in Streamtime. In case you have multiple jobs with different labels, you can write a comma separate list of labels used in Streamtime. Typically a single leave job is created, often a new one for each calendar year, with individual items for public holidays, annual leave and personal care leave.

The following 2 categories are Internal/Non-billable hours on one hand and sales/new business hours on the other hand. Internal hours are all hours used to support the business, such as internal meetings, trainings, team buildings, etc... But new business hours are usually regarded as an investment, not a cost like internal hours. So in wayahead you can measure them separately so you know how much of your non billable time goes to trying to get new business through the door.

Each category gives you 3 ways to distinguish the time entries:

  • By job label: this is by far the most common (and preferred) way! Just write a comma separated list of labels used for internal hours and another one for new biz hours.

  • By Company Name: This is a tricky option – the nuclear solution! In case you have a separate company set up in Streamtime for each category you can write that name in the company name field and not worry about labelling the individual jobs. But note that you probably only have your own business as a client in Streamtime and that client has non billable, newbiz AND leave jobs – in that case this option won't work. Usually the company name fields should remain empty.

  • By Item Name: This could be valuable to distinguish specific activities (items) inside billable jobs. So a job for a customer would be considered billable, but I could choose to make the 'Account Management' time a sales/newbiz activity. Or if there are specific hours on a job that you feel you shouldn't charge the customer for, you could mark them as internal. These fields usually remain empty though.
    You do this by listing the item names for each category in the corrresponding fields. Additionally this function allows you to use wildcards, e.g.:
    'Account management%%': all job items on billable jobs, starting with Account management
    '%%internal': all job items on billable jobs, ending with internal
    '%%newbiz%%': all job items on billable jobs containing the word newbiz.

Ambigious definitions

Note that it's impossible to predict the outcome if you have conflicting settings. E.g. if you add your company name to the Internal companies and you set Newbiz as a sales label, time recorded on a job for your company labeled newbiz could in theory come out as internal and newbiz.
Even though every time entry will only ever be counted once this ambiguous definitions make it impossible to predict which it will be.

Another common example: Your Leave job should not be labeled as Internal. Or your Newbiz job should not be labeled as Internal.

Configuring Billable targets

In the Streamtime Team configuration, you can set the working hours for each team member from Monday to Sunday. wayahead uses these numbers to work out the total expected weekly working hours.

In addition to that, you can also set a billable target for each team member. To do this, go to Setup > Team Preferences > Streamtime Team.

Click the value for each person in the Billable Target column to change it. Changes are automatically saved. You can enter a total number of expected billable hours (e.g. "28") or you can enter it as a percentage (e.g. "70%").

Include in timesheets

You might have some people in your team who have access to Streamtime, but who never record any timesheets. Typical profiles for this are the CFO, financial controller or accountant. We don't want the wayahead reports to keep stating that they 'forgot' to fill in their timesheets, so you can untick the option next to their name in the "Incl. in Timesheets" column.

No, you're not exempt!

They won't like to hear it, but I'll say it anyway: business owners and managing directors are expected to fill in their timesheets exactly like everyone else! Not only does it set the example for the rest of the team (I don't tell my kids to eat healthy while stuffing myself with candy!), their time is usually charged out at the highest rate, making their time spent more important than anyone else's!
One exception would be if the owner or MD never does any billable work, e.g. because they focus only on internal stuff and business development.

Overwriting Streamtime Working hours

So Conor works 40hrs per week for us, as configured in Streamtime (8hrs Mon-Fri). This is fine for the weekly or even monthly reports. But this information may not be sufficient when we run the Utilisation Trends report where we look back over time spent for the last year.

What if Conor joined the team 7 months ago? Or what if he became a father and decided to work part time for a couple of months? In those cases, the 40hr week from Streamtime just isn't enough data to work out the exact working hours for the year.

So wayahead lets you overwrite people's working hours and uses that in the Utilisation trends report. You can define 3 types of overwrites:

  • Joined the company on: set the date when a person joined the team

  • Changed working hours between: during which period did the working hours differ from those set in Streamtime?

  • Left the company on: when did this person leave.

Automatic team names

When wayahead was first released, Streamtime didn't have any way of grouping staff in teams. So wayahead we built team names into the wayahead setup instead. By default, the team name for each person becomes your company name – this is simply a fallback to avoid having people without team names.

Later, Streamtime introduced labels to team members allowing you to label people for teams, but also for other things. But team labels weren't automatically available via the API. That took about another year (summer 2022).

Now that team labels can be accessed via the API, wayahead has a new feature to automatically set team names based on those labels in Streamtime.

Choose manual or auto

Start by choosing if you want team names to be defined automatically. Anyone signing up new will get automated team names. But those who have been using wayahead for a long time, still default to manual team names.

You can control this Settings gin the Setup > Reporting Preferences > Automatic Team Settings

Choose which labels to use

If you turn this option ON, you will see another section of the confutation: wayahead lists all of the team labels it found in Streamtime. We have to assume that not all labels constitute team labels. There may be labels to indicate which office people work at or whether or not they are freelancers.

Tick the names of the labels used as team names.

In case a person has multiple labels, wayahead will automatically create a team name that consists of both labels (in alphabetical order)

How do changes in Streamtime become available in wayahead?

Staff changes in Streamtime can be synced to wayahead manually or automatically:

1. Manually:

  • By clicking "Resync Staff List" in the Reporting Preferences (screenshot above)

  • By clicking "Resync Staff List" in the Team Preferences > Streamtime Team.

2. Automatically

  • Team changes are synced automatically every time you log in

  • Team chances are synced automatically every week when the weekly utilisation mail is sent.

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