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Invoice Report

Analyse your billing over the years from every possible angle.

Miel De Rycke avatar
Written by Miel De Rycke
Updated over a week ago

The invoices report gives you detailed insights into your revenue and contribution across multiple financial years. The data is graphed out by client, account manager, job type, month and branch and also has a table summary for each of those categories for more in-depth information.

Once the data is loaded, you can easily toggle to see the results for all time, specific financial years or for the last 12 months, allowing you to compare each. The financial year is based on the date configured in the setup. So if your financial year starts on December 1st, the report for 2021 will be from December 1st 2021 until November 30th 2022.

Revenue / Contribution

Using the Invoice Contribution report, you can associate third party expenses that were billed out on each invoice, to identify the contribution – sometimes referred to as the agency fee. Simply put, if you bill $10,000 to a client, but that invoice contains $6,500 in supplier costs, then the contribution for the invoice is $3,500. For some agencies, the contribution is a much more significant value than the revenue.

In the side panel, the report will show the revenue, associated cost and contribution for the period selected – as well as the number of invoices. At the bottom, you'll see "Contribution validated", telling you what % of the shown invoices actually have their contribution confirmed. If that number is not 100% (or really close to it), the contribution numbers should not be relied upon. You'll see a contribution warning, reminding you to first use the other report to fix the data.

Earliest Date

When you open the report, wayahead fetches all of your invoices from Streamtime. This can be quite a bit of data, so via the Configuration, you can choose the Earliest Data invoices should be fetched from. Say you've been using Streamtime since 2017 and you have invoices in the system since then, you could set the Earliest Date to January 1st 2020 to avoid wayahead fetching the data from 2017 – 2020.

Invoice List

To let you explore the raw date the report is based on, you can also consult the raw list of all invoices. Each invoice is listed with the sell, cost and contribution values, the account manager, the job type and the quarter. There is also a hidden column with the invoice year/month, e.g. 2021/08, allowing you to search for invoices from a specific month (searching Aug 2021 wouldn't work – you'd also get invoices due in Aug 2021). Invoices with their prices marked in red mean that they have not been validated using the invoice contribution report.

The invoice list also shows the totals at the bottom, so you can quickly see totals for specific months or clients.


Use the job labels to allocate jobs to account managers and job types. Then open the configuration and write a comma separated list of labels used in Streamtime. Any invoice not assigned to an account or a type, will reported as "No Account" or "No Type" in the invoice list.

Summary tables

There is a tab with summary tables by Branch, Client, Account Manager and Job type, showing you the revenue or contribution for each month in the selected financial year. Each of these tables. can be pushed to Excel, allowing you to make further calculations with the data.


When you log in to wayahead, the app will update your branch configuration from Streamtime. If you have configured multiple active branches AND wayahead has found invoice data for multiple branches, the report will automatically show an additional graph and tables reporting the data by branch. If you're only using one branch in your company, these extra tables and graphs won't show up.

Using multiple branches, you can choose to include or exclude specific branches in the report. Say you have three branches, then you may want to run the report for a single branch. That way, if both branches have billed to the same client, you'll see a breakdown of revenue for each – or you can tick on 2 out of three branches, excluding data for the third one. This gives you extra flexibility.

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