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Defining job leads / account managers
Defining job leads / account managers

This article explains how you can create reports that allow you to break down or filter the data by account manager or job lead.

Miel De Rycke avatar
Written by Miel De Rycke
Updated over a week ago

wayahead has always offered a way of breaking reports down by account manager. Historically, this could only ever be done by labeling jobs accordingly in Streamtime.

In March 2023, Streamtime introduced a new field on the jobs page, called the Job Lead.

This allows you to define who is responsible for the job. In some companies this would be the account manager, the client services manager, the project manager or whatever else you want to call it. Two months later, with the update of May 5th, Streamtime started to shared out the job lead definitions via the API, meaning we could start using it in our wayahead reports.

Some Streamtime users will embrace the new job lead field. Others will prefer to keep using their job labels instead. wayahead doesn't impose one solution or the other. It lets you choose what works best for you.

Use job lead or labels?

In the reporting preferences of wayahead, there is an option that lets you choose if you wish to use the job lead field or not.

When this option is ticked ON, wayahead will use the Job Lead field for the account manager definitions.

If you uncheck this option, you're using the job labels instead for the account manager definitions and you'll be required to add a comma separated list of all account manager labels used in Streamtime.

For new customers, the job lead field is default. Companies who were already using wayahead before this change will need to enable the option.

Predefined lists

Certain reports will offer predefined lists or breakdowns by account manager. For example, the Forecast report, has a dropdown that lets you filter by account manager.

If you're using job labels, this predefined list is made from the comma separated list of names in the preferences.

If you're using the Job Lead field, you can set who in your team manages the job via the team preferences. Just tick the "Is AM" check for anyone who manages your projects. This way, the dropdown lists don't have to list every member of the team.

Make sure you modify the Streamtime job labels previously used to define account managers to match the display name of each user. So if the display name is 'mielderycke' and my old account manager used to be 'AM: MDR', then go to the master settings in Streamtime and change all labels 'AM: MDR' to 'mielderycke'. This will update all current and historic jobs.

If you don't do this, you may end up seeing both 'mielderycke' and 'AM: MDR' show up in the dropdown lists of the filters.

What if my job lead isn't defined?

In case you use job labels – instead of the Job Lead field – and your job is missing an account manager label, most reports will report the job under "No Account" or "No Account Manager".

In case you do use the Job Lead field, wayahead has a few more tricks up its sleeve:

  • If the Job Lead field is set, that's what wayahead will use

  • If the Job Lead field is missing, wayahead will check if the customer has a company lead defined instead.

  • If the company lead is also missing, the app will check if there are any job labels matching any of the job lead's display names and use that (This is particularly important for archived jobs).

  • If all of the data above is missing, the job will usually show up as "No Job Lead"

Compatibility for historic jobs

The Job Lead field always uses a user's display name. Historically, people often used encoded job labels, such as "AM: MDR" for "account manager: Miel De Rycke". To make your historic jobs compatible with the Job Lead field in Streamtime, go to the Master Settings in Streamtime and update historic labels to use the display name instead. So "AM: MDR" would become "mielderycke". That way, the Job Lead field and fallback options both use the exact same name.

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