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Items Report

Analyse job items across multiple jobs.

Miel De Rycke avatar
Written by Miel De Rycke
Updated over a year ago

The items report offers details for a list of items, grouped by job.

The goal is to see items progress, upcoming deadlines, assignments and finances of items across multiple jobs. The data can not only be view on screen in different view modes, it can also be exported to Excel, PDF or CSV.

This report is a companion to the Items Performance Report, using the same code and data. The button at the top of the page lets you toggle between the different modes.

For each job, you will see a gray line with the client name, the job number and the job name.

The next table lines represent the job items, with the following columns:

  • the item status (colour coded in the Streamtime item status colours)

  • the item name

  • a link to the item

  • the used time

  • the planned time

Depending on the view mode of the report, the last couple of columns will change:

Items Progress Mode

  • Graph of the current status (used vs planned)

  • Planned todos (how many more hours are scheduled, but not yet completed)

  • Projected result (used total + scheduled total vs planned total)

Includes filters to show only overrun items (used > planned) or items about the be overrun (projected result > planned)


  • Start Date (date format)

  • Due Date (date format)

  • Deadline (relative, e.g. 10 days ago)

Includes filters to show only overdue items, items due this week, items due this month or items without a deadline

Assigned Staff

  • % complete

  • Initials of all staff members assigned to the item, colour code according to the planned status. Dark blue is 'solo' – with the time assigned to each individual. Light blue is 'shared' – with the planned time shared between multiple people.


  • Used value in your home currency

  • Planned value in your home currency

Other features

You can use the search field at the top of the page to search the list by client name, job name, or item name.

You can also export the data to css or PDF.

Note that the WIP Items Progress report is similar to the Items report. While one is more for analysing and exporting, the other is a production tool to help you filter and find issues in your WIP Jobs.

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