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Annual Revenue

The annual revenue report offers insights into billing between different financial years.

Miel De Rycke avatar
Written by Miel De Rycke
Updated over a year ago

The Annual Revenue report uses invoice data and summarises how much revenue your company has made each month of the year for the last couple of years. This report shows you how any year compares to other financial years.

Start Date

The report uses the FY Start date from the Reporting Preferences. If your financial years starts on the first of January, the report will show January as the first month. If you set the FY to start in July, the report will show July as the first month.

By default, the report goes back as far in time as you have invoices in Streamtime. If your first invoice is from June 2019, then the report will show the results starting in 2019.

It's not uncommon that businesses don't have a full year's worth of data in the year that they started using Streamtime. So you may want to exclude that year from the report. Similarly, by 2026 you may not be interested anymore in revenue from back in 2017.

Click the configuration button at the top right of the page to update the Earliest date the report should start. wayahead will fetch all invoices from Streamtime after that date.

Given that the new Streamtime wasn't released until 2016 and didn't introduce invoicing until 2017, that means in 2023 you can see about 6 years worth of data tops, although there are some exceptions.


At the top of the page you see a table of the revenue total for each month. At the bottom of the page there is a large table showing all the invoices retrieved from Streamtime, grouped by month. Click on any number in the summary table and wayahead will scroll down to the corresponding month in the invoice list so you can validate the figures.

Then click the arrow up button to scroll back to the top of the page.


The graph simply shows a line with the revenue for each month and each financial year. It makes variances between financial years visible. In the example above you can see that June is typically a really good month, while April is one of the slowest months in the year. That we had an atypical November back in 2021 and as slower than usual end of 2023.

The colours are assigned randomly, so you can easily distinguish between them. After 12 years the colours will start repeating, so you may want to use the Earliest Date function from above to avoid the report going back further than 12 years.


Press the filter icon at the top right of the page to filter the invoice data by company name or by job labels.

Multiple filters can be combined and you can choose whether the company/filter uses an AND or OR constructor.

This function allows you to filter invoicing data by customer name, e.g. to group revenue by all entities of the same client or to find all revenue by a certain account manager label.

Byt the filters can also be reversed if you click the

Click the eye icon on the side of each filter to exclude all invoices matching the selected filters. You may be worried about losing a certain client. What would your turnover have looked like over the last couple of years if it hadn't been for this large client? Simply exclude them using the filters and the report will refresh automatically.

Extra functions


Click the cog icon at the top right of the page for the extra functions. Here you can export the overview and the invoice list to csv, xlsx or pdf. You can also show or hide certain financial years.


Finally, you can also render the entire report showing contribution instead of revenue. Contribution in wayahead is the revenue minues to direct cost of third party expenses and orders.


This function goes hand in hand with the Invoice Contribution report. You can only toggle the report to contribution if ALL invoices in the report have a confirmed contribution.

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